Thursday, May 30, 2019

Frank Lincoln Wright :: essays research papers

andiron Lincoln Wright".......having a good start not only do I fully intend to be thegreatest architect who has yet lived, but fully intend to be the greatestarchitect who will ever live. Yes, I intend to be the greatest architect of alltime." - Frank Lloyd Wright 1867-1959CHILDHOOD     Born in Richland Center, in southwestern Wisconsin, on June 8, 1867(Sometimes reported as 1869) Frank Lincoln Wright (Changed by himself to FrankLloyd Wright) was raised in the influence of a welsh heritage. The Lloyd-Jonesfamily, his mothers side of the family, had great influence on Mr. Wrightthroughout his life. The family was Unitary in faith and lived close to eachother. Major aspects within the Lloyd-Jones family included education,religion, and nature. Wrights family spent many evenings listening to WilliamLincoln Wright read the works of Emerson, Thoreau, and Blake outloud. Also hisaunts Nell and Jane opened a school of their own pressing the philosophies ofGerma n educator, Froebel. Wright was brought up in a comfortable, but certainlynot warm household. His father, William Carey Wright who worked as a preacherand a musician, moved from job to job, dragging his family across the UnitedStates. His parents divorced when Wright was still young. His mother Anna(Lloyd-Jones) Wright, relied heavily on upon her many brothers sisters anduncles, and was intellectually guided by his aunts and his mother.      earlier her son was born, Anna Wright had decided that her son was gongto be a great architect. Using Froebels geometric blocks to entertain andeducate her son, Mrs. Wright must have struck glare her son possessed. Use ofthe imagination was encouraged and Wright was given free run of the playroomfilled with paste, paper, and cardboard. On the door were the words, SANCTUMSANCTORUM (Latin for place of inviolable privacy). Mr. Wright was seen as adreamy and sensitive child, and cases of him running away while working on thefarm lands with some uncles is noted. This pattern of running away continuedthroughout his lifetime.WRIGHTS starting line BREAK     In 1887, at the age of twenty, Frank Lloyd Wright moved to Chicago.During the late nineteenth century, Chicago was a booming, crazy place. With aneducation of Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Wright found a job asa draftsman in a Chicago architectural firm. During this short time with thefirm of J. Lyman Silsbee, Wright started on his first project, the HillsideHome for his aunts, Nell and Jane. impatiently moving forward, Wright got a jobat one of the best known firms in Chicago at the time, Adler and Sullivan.

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